San Diego's
City Squares
Welcomes You

We request that you have been vaccinated against Covid to attend and that you are not sick or showing symptoms of being sick when you attend.

Our club dances in the War Memorial building in Balboa Park, north of the San Diego Zoo on Zoo Drive, Wednesday evenings. Click on the Club Schedule link on the left for more details and directions.

San Diego's Finest City Squares is a square dance club serving the lesbian and gay community in the San Diego area and we welcome all dancers to join us.

Casual dress is permitted at all of our functions and partners are not required to dance with us.

Our club has an annual picnic and organizes other social events throughout the year such as hiking, movie theaters and live theater. We have resumed some of these activities.

Contact: Finest City Squares

For more information, use the navigation bar on the left.


***** Update 03-07-2025 *****

Our flyer for Pass The Sea with all information and registration form is now available. Click on the Pass The Sea Fly-In link at the left to get to the form which may be printed and used to mail in registrations with a check. You may also pay by cash or check and bring your registration form to the club if you're local, or you may use the PayPal link shown on the form if you use that service. Don't forget to include all your information in the PayPal registration that is requested on the form. The dance schedule is now shown above. A menu for the meals will be provided as we get closer to the event.

Our new LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE (SSD) class for people who have not square danced in the past or have not square danced in recent years, has started February 19th. New dancers must already be enrolled at this point. Experienced dancers may still join us.

See the full regular dance schedule below.


DANCE SCHEDULE as of February 19, 2025 as follows: Learn To Square Dance SSD - Social Square Dancing 6:30 to 8:00 pm, Plus Dancing with workshopping as needed 8:00 to 9:00 pm, Experienced Plus Dancing from 9:00 to 9:30 pm. On Party Nights (the first Wednesday of most months), Learn To Square Dance SSD is 6:30 to 7:45 pm, the potluck is 7:45 to 8:15 pm, Plus Dancing is 8:15 to 9:30 pm. Thank you to all our Angels helping our newer dancers at all levels. Dances are $5.00 donation per week for club members and new students, all others $6.00 donation.